Thursday, October 31, 2019

Larval therapy for venous leg ulcers Literature review

Larval therapy for venous leg ulcers - Literature review Example The maggots then proceed to consume the infections present in the wound and eventually ‘clean’ up the ulceration. This study shall provide a critical appraisal of larval therapy for venous leg ulcers. Initially, the background and aetiology of the disease shall be provided, followed by a critical appraisal of eight studies pertinent to this topic. This study is being carried out in order to establish a scholarly and comprehensive assessment of available literature on larval therapy on venous leg ulcers; it also seeks to assess the future general applicability of this therapy in the clinical practice. Venous leg ulcers are chronic and non-healing wounds or ulcerations on the leg or foot (NHS Choices, 2010). It is usually accompanied with symptoms of pain, itching, and inflammation in the affected area. Venous leg ulcers are seen when there is a persistent high pressure of blood in the veins of the legs which can later cause damage to the skin. Venous leg ulcers affect 1 i n 500 individuals in the UK with rates increasing sharply with age (NHS Choices, 2010). About one person in every 50 over the age of 80 has a high risk for venous leg ulcers. Risk factors for this disease include immobility, obesity, advancing age, and varicosities (NHS Choices, 2010). The prognosis for venous leg ulcers is more or less good, however, with diabetic and elderly patients, the management may take longer. Nevertheless, with appropriate treatment, the healing can be ensured. Venous leg ulcers are caused by damage to the veins located in the legs (NHS Choices, 2010). Venous problems can be seen with the valves in the veins improperly functioning. As a result, blood flows backwards into the previous valves causing pooling in the lower trunks of the veins. With increased pressure in the veins, damage to the veins, and later the skin can become apparent (NHS Choices, 2010). Constant high blood pressure in the legs can cause leaks which then cause swelling and damage to the s kin, thereby leading to the ulcerations. Critical appraisal In the study by Dumville,, (2009), the authors clearly presented the goals of their research which was basically to compare the clinical effectiveness of larval therapy with standard debridement techniques for necrotic leg ulcers. The relevance and importance of the research was indicated by the authors, mostly in relation to cost effectiveness of various therapies for venous leg ulcers (Dumville,, 2009). This goal is relevant because of the fact that the cost of medical interventions has increased and the need to decrease and manage medical costs for patients and for health care in general has become a more imperative requirement in the current age of health and economic crisis. The introduction and the literature review were able to establish the concept and the idea behind the research, including its possible benefits to the clinical practice. The hypothesis has not however been clearly stated, but can be i mplied from the initial chapters of the study. The author implies the higher benefits which can be gained from the use of larval therapy for venous leg ulcers. The main terms of the study are defined and can easily be deduced from the authors’ presentation. The research also presented a well focused question, including a clearly defined population specifically defined through the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The interventions to be used by the authors were also specified with specific expected outcomes defined. In assessing the design chosen, the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Compare and contrast the arbitration laws of two countries Essay Example for Free

Compare and contrast the arbitration laws of two countries Essay The significant increase in the role of international trade in the economic development of nations over the last few decades has been accompanied by a considerable increase in the number of commercial disputes as well. Today rapid globalization of the economy and the resulting increase in competition has led to an increase in commercial disputes. At the same time, however, the rate of industrial growth, modernization, and improvement of socio-economic circumstances has, in many instances, outpaced the rate of growth of dispute resolution mechanisms Keeping in mind the broader goal of exploring links between the quality of legal performance, this assignment is an attempt to critically evaluate arbitration in India as a legal institution and to judge the growth and development of the same and to see the exact footing of India in the international front a simultaneous comparison of the arbitral laws of USA to that of India has also been made. In this assignment, the evolution of arbitration law and practice in India has been explored. This assignment is divided into three parts Part 1 explores the evolution of Arbitral laws in USA and India, the underlying idea behind this is to see the process through which arbitration came into being and how the old is the law and its due development in the respective countries. Part 2 explores the present arbitral laws in light of The Federal Arbitral Act and The Arbitration and conciliation Act. Part 3 compares the laws and arbitral process in India with that of USA this part shows the similarity and distinction of the laws in both the countries and also highlights the common meeting point of both the laws. HISTORY OF ARBITRATION LAW IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Native Americans used arbitration as a means of resolving disputes within and between tribes long before Europeans journeyed to America’s Atlantic shores.However the use of arbitration was introduced in America by the revolutionary war by the colonists who had had business experience in Europe. The use of arbitration in the ports of Europe was already known at that time among maritime and trade businesses. The experience of arbitration as a means of dispute resolution which minimized conï ¬â€šict and allowed continuation of the business relationship was brought to Atlantic by the people coming to live and work in North America. In England, arbitration is a much older concept than the common law system, which the United States courts later adopted. In fact, in England arbitration was used as a common means of commercial dispute resolution from as long as 1224. George Washington, the first President of USA incorporated an arbitration clause in his will that basically stated that, ‘ if any dispute should arise over the wording of the document that a panel of three arbitrators would be implemented to render a final and binding decision to resolve the dispute.’ In the ï ¬ rst decade of the 20th Century, several major trade groups applied arbitration beneï ¬ ts of simplicity, speed and minimal enmity. When New York’s The Association of Food Distributors, Inc. (originally known as the Dried Fruit Association of New York) was formed, its bylaws included an arbitration panel for the resolution of disputes. This was done to reduce the risk that its disagreeing members in case of any dispute and after its settlement would find ,themselves unable to resume their business relationship.1 Until the early 1920s, the only law governing arbitration proceedings in the United States came from court decisions, some dating made in the cases in17th and 18th Centuries. In 1925, The Federal Arbitration Act was enacted. It was a recognition of the several beneï ¬ ts of arbitration and it thereby established a national policy which promoted arbitration.It was initially designed to overcome the judicial hostility that was existing towards arbitration which had evolved from the English courts. With the increasing industrialization and growth and development the reluctance of people to adopt arbitration decreased. With the rise in number of disputes mainly involving â€Å" a transaction of commerce† AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION was established by Moses Grossman in 1926 and an era of Alternate Dispute Resolution was started by Charles Bernheimer2 . The National Labour Realtion Act passed in 1930 marked the a steep rise in the concept and usage of Arbitration in USA. The second woeld war was the turning point for arbitration law in America the economic depression and arising conflict led to more and more dispute settlement by means of arbitration by the War Labour Board. A major milestone regarding Arbitration Law was Achieved in the 1970 when when the Uniform Convention on the  Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (The New York Convention)3 became law in the United States by the addition of Chapter 2 to the Federal Arbitration Act.This convention is still effective and provides for International Arbitration Awards which is considered to be more reliable and consistent than the existing court judgement framework in the country. Bibliography LINKS REFERRED: Alternative dispute resolution Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Development and Practice of Arbitration in India Has It Evolved as an Effective Legal Institution? – CDDRL Jurisdiction IALR.pdf Conflict resolution research Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Symposium/Stipanowich New Litigation Final.pdf STATUTES REFRRED: The Abitration and Conciliation Act 1996 The Federal Arbitration Act 1925 United States Arbitration Act The Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1940

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Fight Or Flight Syndrome

The Fight Or Flight Syndrome The fight or flight response was coined by Cannon and refers to the physiological reactions that prepare us for a strenuous efforts required by fighting or running away, (Martin, Carlson Buskit, 2010, p 750). There is evidence for and against the modern man/women being ill because of the fight or flight syndrome. For example if the stress is short-term then there will be no adverse effects but if the stress is prolonged that individual could be vulnerable to illnesses; both psychological issues (depression) and physiological problems (heart disease). However, this is dependent on several factors that may act as a buffer against stress such as their self-esteem, coping strategies and other individual differences like personality. Lazarus and Launier (1978) regarded stress as a transaction between stress and the environment, (cited in Ogden, 2012, p 290). There are several physiological responses to stress such as heart rate increase, blood pressure rise, blood sugar level rise, digestion stopping and adrenaline release. These help the body to be alert and ready, therefore whether they flee or fight. Normally after the body is stable, but if the stress is prolonged then it has negative effects. For example, the digestion stopping may cause stomach ulcers; consistent blood sugar rise can cause diabetes and heart rate differences can cause coronary heart disease. This shows how much a person has changed from prehistoric times, where the only response was to fight or run away, to now where modern stressors are complex so this response is no longer appropriate and Cannon saw that it could make a modern person ill, (Martin, Carlson Buskit, 2010). The responses to stress link with Selyes General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS), which has three stages; the first stage is the alarm stage which involves the autonomic nervous system. Then the resistance stage is reached and then the exhaustion stage, where the person/animal loses their ability to adapt and leaves them vulnerable to illnesses (Martin, Carlson Buskit, 2010). This shows that the stress response will be advantageous in the short-term but if the exhaustion stage is reached it can have detrimental effects on that person. However, Selyes theory might not be valid due to generalisation problems; he carried out his study on animals, whose processes and responses are be different to humans (Martin, Carlson Buskit, 2010). There are two main groups of physiological changes. The first is sympathetic activation where a stressor triggers the nervous system in this region to produce adrenaline so this produces the fight or flight response. This activates hypothalamic pituitary adrenocortical (HPA) activity, this is similar to GAS, and this changes the carbohydrate stores and releases endorphins that act as pain relief ready to fight, (Ogden, 2012). This shows how the fight or flight responses in the body can be beneficial short-term. There is evidence for and against the fight or flight response causing the modern man to be ill but the outcome is dependent on factors that could modify the effects. One example is personality; if they have a hardy personality (Kobasa, 1977, cited in Sanders Suls, 1982) or if they strive when stressed it acts as a buffer against stress, (George, Everly Lating, 2002). People with a type A personality (see stress as positive) are motivated by stress and succeed when in this state, (Friedman and Rosenman, 1959, cited in Hayes, 2000). Nevertheless, if the persons personality is opposite then theyre more likely to get ill from stress, therefore helping to prove the statement true. Additionally, their self-esteem can effect this too; a person who has low self-esteem and low global self-esteem (negative evaluation of oneself turns to self-doubt and self-rejection) are more likely to get stressed then a person with high self-esteem, (Schrami, Perski, Grossi Simonsson-Sarnecki, 2010). The se factors make a person less susceptible and therefore helps disprove whether fight or flight responses make people ill. However, some data for this was collected by questionnaire so the findings may not be valid due to social desirability bias. Another factor that can act as modifier against stress is coping strategies. Selk (1973) stated that what makes us ill now is different to what made us ill before, for example more psychological problems occur now e.g. mental disorders (Esch, Stefano, Fricchione Benson, 2002) then physical ones and it depends on how that person deals with their environment, (Klirts Moos, 1974, cited in George, Everly Lating, 2002). A lot of research has stated the importance of social support to act as a buffer against stress, and can help prevent burnout, (Etzion, 1984). For example, good communication with your partner can decrease marital problems and stress. Social support works by motivating the individual and adding need-fulfilment. Women have better interpersonal skills so seek social support and therefore are less prone to stress in this particular way. Norris and Murrel (1990) suggest that low social support and a stressful life event e.g. death of a loved one is more likely to cause long -term stress. However, they state the complexity of the term social support as there are many different varieties and of differing levels. Another coping strategy is to gain a new activity; this gets you out, having fun and keeping that persons mind off the stressor(s) (Norris and Murrel, 1990). This shows that social support is important and lack of it can help to cause the negative effects of stress, (even more so when faced with a stressful life event). Therefore, suggesting that the fight or flight response can make someone ill in the wrong circumstances. However, other things must be taken into account individual differences e.g. what strategy suits them best and if they have a new hobby. Findings from studies show that both cognitive diathesis and the stress component (more environmental causes) go together to help suggest why people get stressed. Research shows that stressful life events trigger the susceptibility to stress; this put with other more biological factors like low self-esteem can make the person more vulnerable. This shows how the diathesis-stress model can help explain that its not just one factor that contributes to the fight or flight response making an individual ill, its a multitude of factors (both environmental and biological) that help explain the negative effects of stress. If its biological causes then some coping strategies used to combat the responses of fight or flight will not work as effectively as treatments that focus on genetic influences e.g. a hereditary hardy personality. However, it might be too early to come to this conclusion because more research needs to be done in this area, but its an effective explanation that takes an eclec tic approach to explain that the fight or flight can have its benefits but with the wrong diathesis and vulnerability to stress can show that a person can be made ill, (Zvolenskya, Kotovb, Antipovac Schmidtd, 2003). Nevertheless, there might be a problem with the fight or flight response itself not the modern day man. It hasnt been updated even though our stress response has changed and ignores research carried out since it was coined by Cannon in the 1920s. It mischaracterised the order in which the responses occur. A new sequence by Gray can explain the responses better for more modern times, it begins with the freeze response so the person/animal remains undetected. Then an attempt to flee and then a chance to fight occurs. Another model is the stop, look, listen approach which might be more valid today and is used in many military operations, which also relates to the freeze response. Additionally, the fright response (tonic immobility) or in other words playing dead is reached. This updates the fight or flight response to be freeze, flight, fight or fright. This revelation shows that there is a problem with the fight or flight response, that its responsible for illness in the modern day ma n/women encountering stress and that it needs adapting to new scenarios that could be encountered now, (Does fight or flight need updating?). The evidence suggests that the fight or flight response can be beneficial, but with the wrong circumstances and if the stress is prolonged then it can make an individual ill. Nevertheless, this can be affected by certain modifying effects for example, if the person has suitable/effective coping strategies. Other aspects of the argument, like whether the fight or flight response needs updating is important to take into account. Its still unclear what causes stress is it biology or environmental causes? Therefore, more research needs to be done on the causes so the treatments can be looked at for reliability and validity. Additionally, then more information will be available on whether the fight or flight response does cause illnesses or is it a positive relationship. [Word count: 1340/1320. Citations- 116.]

Friday, October 25, 2019

Can You Hear Me Now? :: Analysis, Sherry Turkle, Rocler-Gladen

Are technology and the media shedding the very fabric of the existence we have known? As technology and the media spread their influence, the debate over the inherent advantages and disadvantages intensifies. Although opinions vary widely on the subject, two writers offer similar views: Professor Sherry Turkle, director of the MIT Initiative on Technology and Self, in her article â€Å"Can You Hear Me Now† and Naomi Rockler-Gladen, who formerly taught media studies at Colorado State University, with her article â€Å"Me Against the Media: From the Trenches of a Media Lit Class.† Turkle asserts that technology has changed how people develop and view themselves, while at the same time affecting their concepts of time management and focus (270). Similarly, Rockler-Gladen believes media and its inherent advertising have had a profound effect on the values and thinking of the public (284). I could not agree more with Professor Turkle and Ms. Rockler-Gladen; the effects tech nology and media have worried and annoyed me for quite so time. The benefits of technology and media are undeniable, but so then are the flaws. People are beginning to shift their focus away from the physical world to the virtual world as they find it easier and more comfortable. The intended purpose of technology and media was to be a tool to improve the quality of life, not shackles to tie people to their devices. I no longer recognize this changed world and long for the simple world of my youth. Turkle argues that technology has fundamentally changed how people view themselves and their lives (271). She reports that, â€Å"BlackBerry users describe that sense of encroachment of the device on their time. One says, ‘I don’t have enough time alone with my mind’; another, ‘I artificially make time to think†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬  (274). Her point is that people have to make a deliberate choice to disconnect, to exist in their own mind rather than the virtual world (Turkle 274). Another point Turkle brings up is that in this technologic age children are not learning to be self- reliant. Without having the experience of being truly alone and making their own decisions, children are not developing the skills they once did (Turkle 274). As Turkle reports, â€Å"There used to be a moment in the life of an urban child, usually between 12 and 14, when there was a first time to navigate the city alone. It was a rite of passage that communicated, ‘you a re on your own and responsible.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Purpose Of Barium Swallow Health And Social Care Essay

The most common positive or radiopaque, contrast medium used to visualise the GI system in Ba sulfate which normally merely referred as Ba merely. There is contraindication to barium sulfate. These mixtures are contraindicated and might hold possible opportunity to get away into the peritoneal pit. If big sum of Ba sulphate flight into the peritoneal pit, this can take to enteric infarcts or peritoneal inflammation. This flight may happen through a pierced syrupy or during surgery that follow the radiographic process. Pathologic indicant for Ba sups This process is done to bespeak when the patient have anemia, mechanical hurting on swallowing, reflux, Preoperative anatomical presentation, appraisal of trachea-esophageal fistulous withers and besides the appraisal of the side of perforation and besides indigestion. The diseased indicant for the Ba swallow scrutiny is achalasia, anatomic anomalousnesss, barrette ‘s gorge, carcinoma gorge, dyspigia and esophageal varices. Achalasia is a motor upset of the gorge in which vermiculation is reduced along the gorge. Next is anatomic anomalousnesss which caused by disease, such as malignant neoplastic disease of the gorge or possibly. Patients who suffer a shot frequently develop impaired get downing mechanism. Certain nutrients and contrast agents are administrated during the scrutiny for rating of the swelling forms. Dysphagia is trouble in get downing this may due to a congenital or acquired status, a at bay bolus of nutrient or redness. Narrowing and enlarged, flaccid visual aspect of the gorge may be seen during the Ba sup, depending on the cause of the dysphagia. The other indicant for Ba sup is, to bespeak carcinoma of the gorge includes one of the most common malignant of the gorge is ardeno carcinoma. The one of the symptoms of this pathology include dysphagia ( trouble in get downing ) . Last, foreign organic structure are besides can be detect by utilizing this process to the patient that ingest assortment of nutrient including a bolus of nutrient, metallic object and other stuff that will lodge the gorge. Contraindications Nonspecific, nevertheless low solar H2O soluble contrast agents are best used in probes where aspiration may happen. Preparation Patient readying.Before Patient readyingNo readying for Ba swallow scrutiny needed because gorge is empty most of the clip unless an upper GI series is to follow. If the patient is have oning anything metallic from the most to the waist must be removed. Ask the patient to alter to hospital gown. Before the fluoroscopic process is perform, a patients history should be taken and the scrutiny carefully explained to the patient.After readyingWhen the process is done, the patient can go on their regular diet as usual. Take orally administered medicines unless the physician asks non to make so. In 48 to 72 hours after the process, patient stool possibly in grey or white coloring material. Patient may see irregularity and normally been treated by eating laxative. Ask the patient to imbibe a batch of H2O for several yearss to avoid irregularity excessively. If the patient experienced any unable intestine motion or undergo important alterations after the process, inquire them to reach their d octor. Equipment readying Before making this process, the radiographer should fix some equipment such as fluoroscopy table with 90/20 jousts, rapid consecutive skiagraphy ( to border per second ) or video entering possibly required for appraisal if the laryngopharynx and upper gorge during swallow. Some extra equipment besides should necessitate such as disposable cup, little cup for sparkling agent, tissue and besides a straw possibly required for consumption of Ba when the tabular array is horizontal and besides injection disposal equipment. Contrast agent readying In this process, 250 % w/v Ba sulfate suspensions of 100 milliliters are required. Gastrografin ( should non be used for the probe of a trachea-esophageal fistulous withers or when aspiration is possible ) . An sparkling agent will be required for illustration a combination of Na hydrogen carbonate and citric acid, to bring forth C dioxide to dilate the tummy. This will besides move as dual contrast agent against the Ba to heighten the visual image of the mucous membrane. Last, LOCM for about around 350mg I/ml is besides required in this process. Procedure The patient will be place behind the roentgenoscope equipment for the x beam exposure. The process begins with the patient in the vertical or vertical place and the cup of thin Ba is placed in the patients left manus closed to the left shoulder. Then, the patient is asked to get down the liquid in the cup utilizing a straw. The patient is so inquiring to take the effervescent granules ( either dry or assorted with a little sum of H2O if dry granule is excessively hard ) or other effervescent assistance, followed by citric acid. It is of import to affect on the patient that this will bring forth gas in the tummy and may give them the make fulling that they need to burp. To avoid this, the best manner is to state them to maintain swallowing. The enteric piece of land of the next gorge, tummy and duodenum are seeable when the Ba fills and coated it. The radiotherapist observes the flow of the Ba with the roentgenoscope. Swallowing of the thin Ba is observed with the patients in assorted places. The patient will inquire to revolve true 360o at their ain topographic point. This will guarantee all the surfacing facet of the stomachic mucous membrane is ready for the appraisal of the tummy. The patient is inquiring to turn to their left ( LPO ) where a topographic point image is taken. Then, patient will turn their organic structure back to the supine ( AP ) place and bend to their right ( RPO ) . Last, the patient is return to the vertical place, turn somewhat to their left and erect ( LPO ) . Film is taken to demo the distal gorge and the fundus of the tummy. The similar place will be used when the patient get down the thick Ba. The used of the thick Ba allows better visual image of mucosal forms and any lesions within the gorge. The type of Ba used is determined by the radiotherapist. After the vertical survey has been complete, horizontal and trendeleburg places with midst and thin Ba may follow. The x beam radiation is directing by the ten beam machine ( fluoroscopy ) through the patient ‘s tissue organic structure and to a movie on the opposite side of the patient ‘s organic structure. Different organic structure tissue will absorbed different sum of radiation that penetrates the organic structure tissue. The abnormalcies, different organ, and some conditions all become seeable on the x beam movie due to difference in the composing since the incursion of the x beam beam is block by them. Radiation Protection Radiation protection is used to except clinically unhelpful scrutinies. They are many ways to cut down unserviceable radiation like minimise the fluoroscopy clip and current so that merely the exact radiation is given to the patient. Use collimation during the process to minimise the field size. Give screening to the sensitive organ of the patient when possible. Introduce QA coder to optimise staff and equipment public presentation and to do regular cheques on. Use video recording equipment alternatively of utilizing cine camera during fluoroscopy. Install modern image intensives with digital image processing possible and sensitive ( e.g. CsI ) photocathodes. Use modern image intensive and topographic point movie photofluoroscopy with 100mm camera alternatively of skiagraphy whenever appropriate. Benefit Upper GI piece of land scrutiny is really safe and noninvasive process. This scrutiny besides leads to an accurate analysis of the gorge, tummy and duodenum. This is because, Ba is non absorbed by the blood the organic structure and allergic reaction due this scrutiny is really rare. No radiation will stay in patient ‘s organic structure after the process is done n X beam has really less side consequence in the diagnostic scope. Hazards Some patient may see allergic to the flavorer that is added in the Ba. The patient must state the physician if they are allergic to chocolate, citrus fruit or certain berries before the process. There is merely little opportunity that some Ba will stay in the organic structure, taking to a obstruction of the digestive system. So, patient who have an obstructor in the GI piece of land they are non allow undergoing this scrutiny. The effectual radiation dosage for this process is 6mSv which is the same as the mean individual receives from the background radiation in two old ages. Precaution Barium is non be used if perforation is suspected. Pregnant adult females are advised to avoid this process because the radiation exposure may impact the foetus. Role of radiographer Before Arrange the assignment and state the patient about the clip, the day of the month and the topographic point where the scrutiny will be held. As the radiographer, gave the radiation protection to the patient is really of import. Give the patient a shielding to protect them from the radiation that can harm them. The room must be set up decently before the scrutiny took topographic point. Make certain the room is clean and ready to be used. All the equipment ‘s like cassette 24Ãâ€"30 centimeter, little cup and straw and contrast media ( Ba sulfate/gastrografi ) must be prepared before the scrutiny started. Make certain that fluoroscopy unit is in good status. State the patient what they should make and do certain they are all prepared. When the radiographer fix the list for the scrutiny, do certain that the diabetic patient is on the first list. This is because, they have to take their medicine on clip and if the diabetic patient are being ignored, this will do injury to them. During Patient placement Focus oning Collimation Radiologists penchant Adequate supply of cassettes Identity of exposed and unexposed cassettes Exposure factor choice Table position- patient comfort and safety Hand clasps, pes remainder, pillow, reassuarance Drip if any Drumhead

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Day You Were Born

The Day You Were Born I was forty-one weeks and one day pregnant, lying in an uncomfortable hospital bed, wearing a hideous pink gown, and counting the minutes until my next contraction. Apparently, you were very comfortable in my tummy because there was no sign of you making your appearance any time soon. I was having plenty of contractions but was not dilating; our doctor was looking for a count of at least 60 on the room monitor, but I was only in the mid-20s. Before long she ordered that Pitocin be administered to induce productive labor.It seemed to work– after only twenty minutes, my contractions went from the twenties to the eighties and continued to increase after that. A few more long hours passed. The doctor returned to our room to check on my progress. Surprisingly, after the initial dosage of Pitocin, I had only slightly progressed during the intervening hours. The doctor told me I should have advanced toward your delivery much more than I had and determined that m y inability to relax my body was the reason why the process had again been slowed.I was so excited to meet you that I couldn’t help but cry, thinking that you would never show up. A wonderful nurse then came in the room and sat down to talk with us. She assured me that every woman, and every pregnancy, are different. She promised me that I would not leave the hospital without you in my arms. She introduced herself as Nurse Pam, and called herself â€Å"The Pitocin Queen. † She told your Daddy and me all about her days as an Army nurse. We became instant friends. In order to get things moving along a little more quickly, she encouraged me to undergo an epidural to help me relax.Your Daddy was very supportive, holding my hand and reassuring me. Accepting pain medication, he said, did not mean that I was a failure; it just meant that plans had changed. After forty hours of labor, I was willing to try anything to get you to come into the world. After another long hour pass ed, the anesthesiologist came into our room. Your Nana happened to be downstairs getting coffee, and your Daddy and Aunt Lindsay couldn’t stomach a procedure involving a large needle, so the anesthesiologist ordered everyone but your Mimi to leave.The epidural took only about ten minutes, and between the anxiety and pain from the contractions, I didn’t even feel the needle. I was ordered to lie down and relax so that the medicine could fully take effect and was urged to let the nurses or doctor know if I wasn’t completely numb within a few minutes. About forty-five minutes passed, but I was still able to feel my left leg and move it around. Nurse Pam called the anesthesiologist back in for round two, and that time it finally worked.It was so odd to be lying in bed watching television while your Nana, Aunt Lindsay, Daddy and Mimi giggled about how I couldn’t feel the contractions. We would take turns looking at the monitor and exclaiming, â€Å"Did you fe el that one? It was huge! † I had completely relaxed at this point and wasn’t nearly as anxious about the passing time. I was even able to joke with your Daddy, â€Å"Wouldn’t it be crazy if they came back in here and I still haven’t progressed? Looks like we are moving in! † He was happy that I was feeling better, but now he was getting more anxious and ready to meet you.When the doctor came back in to check my progress, we were all happy and relieved to hear that I had progressed to the point where delivery was imminent. The excitement intensified with everyone talking about who you might look like and whose personality you would take after. It was only about one last hour later when I grabbed your Daddy and said, â€Å"Get the doctor– the epidural isn’t working anymore. I feel a lot of pressure. † The doctor returned and checked my progress, and said that the epidural was still working, but that the time for your delivery had finally arrived!The doctor dressed in her gown and gloves and said, â€Å"Go ahead and push when you’re ready! † I grabbed your Daddy’s hand and pushed hard, took a deep breath, and pushed again. The doctor yelled, â€Å"She has black hair! One more push! † I closed my eyes, pushed so hard, and after a big exhale, I heard you scream. That moment the doctor laid you on my chest was indescribable. My heart was pounding and tears were pouring down my face. I couldn’t believe that after waiting forty-one weeks to meet you, you were finally here! Nurse Pam gently took you to bathe, weigh and measure you.Your Daddy and I looked at each other and just smiled. We were both so happy you were finally here with us. Pam called out, â€Å"She’s nine pounds one ounce, and nineteen and a half inches long. She’s a big girl. † She wrapped you up in a blanket and placed you in your Daddy’s arms. His eyes welled up with tears and he immed iately fell in love with you. Everyone in the room was staring at your Daddy holding you and your Nana was lots of taking pictures. You had a full head of jet-black hair, dark eyes, ten precious figures and toes and flawless soft skin. You were the most perfect thing we had ever seen.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Murderous Macbeth essays

Murderous Macbeth essays Throughout all of history, people have killed people to get ahead just like Macbeth did. Kings, tyrants, dictators, and even normal everyday citizens have killed each other to try to gain monetarily and try to gain power over everyone else. Many people even kill each for love. The wife gets a lover and kills the husband for him and so it goes. This hasnt changed in hundreds of years since Shakespeares time. Macbeth killed for the power, the money, and for the love of his wife. Macbeths main reason for killing Duncan was because his wife talked him into it. He debated about it before she got into it but she was the one that eventually talked him into it. Macbeth was almost set on giving up on the whole thing when his loving wife stepped in and made him go through with it. This happens quite often in actual life. In reality husbands and wives kill each other because they want them out of the way so they can be with the lovers they are having the affairs with. They fall in love with these new lovers and decide that a divorce would be too much trouble they plot to kill the husband or wives that are in the way. Although Macbeth didnt do it exactly for this reason, he did do it for the love of his wife. She wanted to be higher on the ladder and they only way to have it done would be to have her husband Macbeth kill Duncan so he and she would become the leaders of the country and they would be able to do away with anyone that stood in their way. Another big reason that Macbeth committed these murders was because her wanted the power. He knew that if he killed King Duncan and got away with it he would become king and have all the power over everyone. After killing Duncan he started killing everyone that stood in his way because he found how easily it was to abuse his new powers. This is a very common occurrence and it happens all the time. All the tyrants and dictators such as Hitler and Castro di...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The History of Spacesuits

The History of Spacesuits The pressure suit for Project Mercury was designed and first developed during 1959 as a compromise between the requirements for flexibility and adaptability. Learning to live and move within aluminum-coated nylon and rubber garments, pressurized at five pounds per square inch, was like trying to adapt to life within a pneumatic tire. Led by Walter M. Schirra, Jr., the astronauts trained hard to wear the new spacesuits. Ever since 1947, the Air Force and the Navy, by mutual agreement, had specialized in developing partial-pressure and full-pressure flying suits for jet pilots, respectively, but a decade later, neither type was quite satisfactory for the newest definition of extreme altitude protection (space). Such suits required extensive modifications, particularly in their air circulation systems, to meet the needs of the Mercury space pilots. More than 40 experts attended the first spacesuit conference on January 29, 1959. Three primary competitors - the David Clark Company of Worcester, Massachusetts (a prime supplier for Air Force pressure suits), the International Latex Corporation of Dover, Delaware (a bidder on a number of government contracts involving rubberized material), and the B. F. Goodrich Company of Akron, Ohio (suppliers of most of the pressure suits used by the Navy) - competed to provide by the first of June their best spacesuit designs for a series of evaluation tests. Goodrich was finally awarded the prime contract for the Mercury space suit on July 22, 1959. Russell M. Colley, along with Carl F. Effler, D. Ewing, and other Goodrich employees, modified the famous Navy Mark IV pressure suit for NASAs needs in space orbital flight. The design was based on the jet flight suits, with added layers of aluminized Mylar over the neoprene rubber. Pressure suits also were designed individually according to use - some for training, others for evaluation and development. Thirteen operational research suits first were ordered to fit astronauts Schirra and Glenn, their flight surgeon Douglas, the twins Gilbert and Warren J. North, at McDonnell and NASA Headquarters, respectively, and other astronauts and engineers to be specified later. A second order of eight suits represented the final configuration and provided adequate protection for all flight conditions in the Mercury program. The Mercury Project spacesuits were not designed for space walking. Spacewalking suits were first designed for Projects Gemini and Apollo. History of Wardrobes for Space The Mercury spacesuit was a modified version of a U.S. Navy high altitude jet aircraft pressure suit. It consisted of an inner layer of Neoprene-coated nylon fabric and a restraint outer layer of aluminized nylon. Joint mobility at the elbow and knees was provided by simple fabric break lines sewn into the suit; but even with these break lines, it was difficult for a pilot to bend his arms or legs against the force of a pressurized suit. As an elbow or knee joint was bent, the suit joints folded in on themselves reducing suit internal volume and increasing pressure. The Mercury suit was worn soft or unpressurized and served only as a backup for possible spacecraft cabin pressure lossan event that never happened. Limited pressurized mobility would have been a minor inconvenience in the small Mercury spacecraft cabin. Spacesuit designers followed the U.S. Air Force approach toward greater suit mobility when they began to develop the spacesuit for the two-man Gemini spacecraft. Instead of the fabric-type joints used in the Mercury suit, the Gemini spacesuit had a combination of a pressure bladder and a link-net restraint layer that made the whole suit flexible when pressurized. The gas-tight, man-shaped pressure bladder was made of Neoprene-coated nylon and covered by load bearing link-net woven from Dacron and Teflon cords. The net layer, being slightly smaller than the pressure bladder, reduced the stiffness of the suit when pressurized and served as a sort of structural shell, much like a tire contained the pressure load of the inner tube in the era before tubeless tires. Improved arm and shoulder mobility resulted from the multi-layer design of the Gemini suit. Walking on the Moons surface a quarter million miles away from Earth presented a new set of problems to spacesuit designers. Not only did the Moon explorers spacesuits have to offer protection from jagged rocks and the searing heat of the lunar day, but the suits also had to be flexible enough to permit stooping and bending as Apollo crewmen gathered samples from the Moon, set up scientific data stations at each landing site, and used the lunar rover vehicle, an electric-powered dune buggy, for transportation over the surface of the Moon. The additional hazard of micrometeoroids that constantly pelt the lunar surface from deep space was met with an outer protective layer on the Apollo spacesuit. A backpack portable life support system provided oxygen for breathing, suit pressurization, and ventilation for moonwalks lasting up to 7 hours. Apollo spacesuit mobility was improved over earlier suits by use of bellows-like molded rubber joints at the shoulders, elbows, hips and knees. Modifications to the suit waist for Apollo 15 through 1 7 missions added flexibility making it easier for crewmen to sit on the lunar rover vehicle. From the skin out, the Apollo A7LB spacesuit began with an astronaut-worn liquid-cooling garment, similar to a pair of long johns with a network of spaghetti-like tubing sewn onto the fabric. Cool water, circulating through the tubing, transferred metabolic heat from the Moon explorers body to the backpack and thence to space. Next came a comfort and donning improvement layer of lightweight nylon, followed by a gas-tight pressure bladder of Neoprene-coated nylon or bellows-like molded joints components, a nylon restraint layer to prevent the bladder from ballooning, a lightweight thermal super insulation of alternating layers of thin Kapton and glass-fiber cloth, several layers of Mylar and spacer material, and finally, protective outer layers of Teflon-coated glass-fiber Beta cloth. Apollo space helmets were formed from high strength polycarbonate and were attached to the spacesuit by a pressure-sealing neck ring. Unlike Mercury and Gemini helmets, which were closely fitted and moved with the crewmans head, the Apollo helmet was fixed and the head was free to move within. While walking on the Moon, Apollo crewmen wore an outer visor assembly over the polycarbonate helmet to shield against eye damaging ultraviolet radiation, and to maintain head and face thermal comfort. Completing the Moon explorers ensembles were lunar gloves and boots, both designed for the rigors of exploring, and the gloves for adjusting sensitive instruments. The lunar surface gloves consisted of integral structural restraint and pressure bladders, molded from casts of the crewmens hands, and covered by multi-layered super insulation for thermal and abrasion protection. Thumb and fingertips were molded of silicone rubber to permit a degree of sensitivity and feel. Pressure-sealing disconnects, similar to the helmet-to-suit connection, attached the gloves to the spacesuit arms. The lunar boot was actually an overshoe that the Apollo lunar explorer slipped on over the integral pressure boot of the spacesuit. The outer layer of the lunar boot was made from metal-woven fabric, except for the ribbed silicone rubber sole; the tongue area was made from Teflon-coated glass-fiber cloth. The boot inner layers were made from Teflon-coated glass-fiber cloth followed by 25 alternating layers of Kapton film and glass-fiber cloth to form an efficient, lightweight thermal insulation. Nine Skylab crewmen manned the Nations first space station for a total of 171 days during 1973 and 1974. They wore simplified versions of the Apollo spacesuit while doing the historic repair of the Skylab and changing film canisters in the solar observatory cameras. Jammed solar panels and the loss of a micrometeoroid shield during the launch of the Skylab orbital workshop necessitated several space walks for freeing the solar panels and for erecting a substitute shield. The spacesuit changes from Apollo to Skylab included a less expensive to manufacture and lightweight thermal micrometeoroid over garment, elimination of the lunar boots, and a simplified and less expensive extravehicular visor assembly over the helmet. The liquid cooling garment was retained from Apollo, but umbilicals and astronaut life support assembly (ALSA) replaced backpacks for life support during space walks. Apollo-type spacesuits were used again in July 1975 when American astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts rendezvoused and docked in Earth orbit in the joint Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) flight. Because no space walks were planned, U.S. crewmen were equipped with modified A7LB intra-vehicular Apollo spacesuits fitted with a simple cover layer replacing the thermal micrometeoroid layer. Information and Photos provided by NASAModified Extracts from This New Ocean: A History of Project MercuryBy Loyd S. Swenson Jr., James M. Grimwood, and Charles C. Alexander

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Black Legend Essay Research Paper The

Black Legend Essay, Research Paper The Black Legend During the late 15th and early 16th centuries Catholic Spain was get downing a huge motion in attempts to rule Europe by suppressing lands about the New World. Lands in Mexico and countries near the Yucatan known as New Spain became the focal point of Spain s conquering. Bing the first state to administer their settlements throughout the New World, Spain was ridiculed by neighbouring states like England and France. However this type of ridiculing was mostly due to the faith of Spain at the clip. After the Protestant Reformation, Spain had remained to be a Catholic state. Therefore powers like England were able to assail Spain from all political sides. This new vision of Spain s bloody conquering in South America allowed Protestant Europeans to originate a theory on Spain s conquerings known as the Black Legend. This Black Legend was said to state that the Spanish were barbarous to the indigens in their settlements merely because they were Catholic. Based on the given articles written from the bulk of which were brought approximately from different position and sentiments, this fable in my sentiment must be true. Such people who wrote these letters or docudramas were well- sure solons, and to lie to the governor of one # 8217 ; s state was considered to be a wickedness to both the Majesty and to God. Even in the positions of those belonging to Spain and the Catholic Church, the Spaniard # 8217 ; s try to represent themselves in the New World was an unjustly and barbarous cause. The chief ground for Spain s barbarian attack to the New World was in effort to the counter-Reformation. The Spaniards wanted to pull new voices in the Catholic Church by directing missionaries and Jesuits to the New World in order to spread out the faith and hopefully convey the terminal of Protestant Reformation by barricading off all England s and Europe s effort in colonisation. Therefore, the usage of force was needed to suppress new lands and advance God and His Majesty for Spain. Since the position of the French, English, and even Spanish are used, in my best words I claim the Black Legend to be true. In the words of de Las Casas who he himself was a Catholic Spaniard said that the indigens were people who were patient, peaceable and unagitated. They neer had hatred, desire, or retribution. He considered them to be weak and delicate people who lived amongst themselves in peace and harmoniousness. How of all time, in conformity to the priest, the Spaniards and their Equus caballuss came and slaughtered the adult females, work forces, and kids in hunt of enlargement and chiefly gold. This desire for gold kept the Spaniards on the move, and until they had had all they would non rest. Even in the eyes of an Aztec who had nil but his people, the Spaniards killed and robbed the people and even at times took advantage of their adult females. This ferociousness, nevertheless, merely seemed to be in the eyes of conquistadors. For among present twenty-four hours America, the Gallic and Puritans struck singular friendly relationship among the local indigens. The Gallic with the assistance of the baronial Samuel de Champlain struck a trade trade with the Indians for beaver pelt. Even the Puritans gained trust from Squanto in Plymouth to construct a durable relationship of trust and friendly relationship. When Sir Walter Raleigh arrived in the Caribbean he described the people as frightened and bewildered due to the plundering Spanish who took advantage of their adult females and embarrassed their work forces. Even with such conquerings and ferociousness of the Spanish, commercial Catholicism was non reached harmonizing to Father Juan Rogel in a missive to Pedro I. He claimed that despite great promotions in the modernisation of the indigens, he was unable to convey them to the understanding about the faith. Since the Indians were on the move 9 of 12 months he was unable to larn the linguistic communication to the full or wholly preach to them. And when he did they would invariably do merriment of his words. He acknowledged that the lone manner acquire them to collaborate were to settle them down and build small towns. For if any adult male was to follow them for 50 old ages, his message would neer acquire across. These concrete facts, letters, and personal histories seem to indicate at the Spaniards as being barbarous due to the fact that they were Catholic and had the desire to acquire their message across and take advantage of the people and ownerships of the ancient civilisations established in the New World. The Protestants really good could hold done such things every bit good in order to barricade the counter-Reformation, alternatively they took the advice of the indigens and established a more comfortable foundation and settlement. Even though today most of South America is Catholic, they are still behind chiefly due to the Acts of the Apostless that occurred 100s of old ages ago. In bend the Black Legend did hold a big impact on the colonisation and Reformation of the New World.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 8

Final Exam - Essay Example The world had just experienced an economic depression and majority of the Germans had lost hope in recovering their lost funds that they had invested in stocks. The Nazism provided the much needed hope to help the citizens something which the Weimar government had failed to do. This attracted majority of the populations to the support of the Nazis hence they had a great following. Hitler then became even stronger by unification with the national conservatisms party in Germany which became a major power. The World War II was majorly caused by the aggression of countries such as Japan, Italy and Germany. This was majorly influenced by the economic depressions that had hit the country’s leading to high inflations in the economy. Majority of the citizens from this countries opted for military use to gain what they wanted. Japan military attacked China and even set up Manchukuo in China so that they could get access to the minerals to help their countries. This led to bombings in cities such Guangzhou that resulted into war crimes fuelling the world tensions. Invasions of Nazi attacks and the Soviet Union’s, for instance Germany attacked Poland and acquired Sudetenland of the Czech Republic without their consent. Italy on the other hand carried attacked on Austria and expanded into East Africa regions such Ethiopia to acquire wealth that made the League of Nations to announce them assailant. As a result, the Britain and France came in to help the vulnerable nations from ag gressions of the dictatorship regimes. This led to the rise of the Second World War II. However, this war could have been avoided if Britain and France had no soft spot for the hard-line positions held by Germany as they acquired other territories or if the European countries had addressed the economic depression that had affected the various nations. They had resources and always allowed

Delivering Marketing Programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Delivering Marketing Programs - Essay Example In such a way, Red Bull began targeting and specifically marketing to key demographics by sponsoring different types of extreme sports and buying marketing space with regards to those activities that were primarily watched or engaged with by their demographic target. Such an inexpensive approach allowed the brand to position itself effectively with regards to rapidly gaining market share in integrating with this specific demographic around the globe. With respect to how this target market has changed over time, it has not. This represents both a positive and a negative for the Red Bull brand due to the fact that it present situation in which they are continuing to speak to the specific needs and tastes of their target audience; an activity that they have a great deal of experience in performing. However, this also represents a drawback due to the fact that there are a limited number of individuals within this particular demographic to which Red Bull can integrate and hope to sell the ir product (Barnett, 2013). As such, continuing to integrate with the same demographic as a means of targeting further sales is something of a lost cause. Conversely, the competition is positioned more along the traditional lines of marketing and brand imagery. The likes of Coca-Cola and Pepsi Co. have sought to exclusively promote and market key entries within the energy drink market by the traditional means of massive amounts of advertising and high costs of market entry (Red Bull, 2012). This necessarily places Red Bull at something of a strategic advantage due to the fact that the competition is continuing to integrate with very costly and prohibitively limited means of product integration with the demographic in question; thereby limiting their total probability and producing the levels of threat that they pose to Red Bull. Part 2: As has been stated previously, Red Bull did not initially seek to engage a costly marketing scheme as a means of promoting their beverage lines. Ins tead, they chose to sponsor key events and sporting activities that were regularly viewed in a positive light by their potential customers (Red Bull, 2013). However, as Red Bull’s fortunes of changed, they have been able to integrate with a higher degree of profitability and have been able to engage in celebrity marketing in the same means that much more powerful firms have done the same. In such a manner, as one might expect, Red Bull has been promoted and endorsed not necessarily by celebrities, but by sports stars. More specifically these sports stars cannot be understood upon the traditional lines of sports stars such as football players, basketball players, baseball players etc (Mortimer, 2012). Rather, they are extreme sports athletes that continue to engage with the brand image that has been discussed above. In such a manner, a few of these celebrity endorsers include the following: Blake Girffin, Rajon Rando, Reggie Bush, Shaun White, Bubba Stewart, Dallas Friday, Cas ey Kahne and Brian Vickers (Gorse, Chadwick, & Burton, 2010). This strategy, described above, has been extraordinarily beneficial to Red Bull as a means of continuing to int

Edgar Allan Poe The Raven Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Edgar Allan Poe The Raven - Research Paper Example It was possible that Lenore was the deceased woman being referred to in the poem (Cummings , par 9). The poem tells of a bereaved man who is completely devastated by the lost his loved one, Lenore. Suddenly in his moment of sadness, a raven appears who keeps on repeating the word â€Å"nevermore†, as if telling the man that he will never see his beloved again, not even in heaven. As in most works of Poe, â€Å"The Raven† has a very melancholy tone which is emphasized by Poe’s use of words such as â€Å"weary†, â€Å"dreary†, â€Å"bleak†, â€Å"dying†, â€Å"sorrow†, â€Å"darkness†, â€Å"stillness†, â€Å"ebony† and â€Å"grave† (Cummings , par 7). He also uses internal and end rhymes and alliterations to enhance the theme of the poem. â€Å"The Raven† was first published on January 29, 1845 in the New York Evening Mirror (, Inc. , par 1). It is said that the sources of â€Å"The Raven† are Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s â€Å"Lady Geraldine’s 1843 Courtship†, Charles Dickens’ â€Å"Barnaby Rudge† and the two poems by Thomas Holly Chivers, â€Å"To Allegra Florence† and â€Å"Isadore† (, Inc. , par 1). Poe revealed in his â€Å"The Philosophy of Composition† that he wrote about death in â€Å"The Raven† after asking himself what it is among the universal understanding of mankind is the most melancholy (Poe , par 20). Furthermore, he also asked himself what it is that is most universally appreciable and his answer was â€Å"beauty† (Poe , par 13). Having these two topics in mind, he then thought of combining them and writing a poem about the death of a beautiful woman which he considered â€Å"the most poetical to pic in the world† (Poe , par 20). In terms of symbolism, Poe also considered using a parrot in the poem because it was capable of speech. However, he decided to use a raven instead since the theme of the poem is melancholy. A raven is known to be a bird which symbolizes ill omen; thus, Poe decided that it was more

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Creating a sense of Communiy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Creating a sense of Communiy - Essay Example When it comes to African culture, a number of aspects arise due to the conservative nature (Halverson & Tirmizi, 2008). This is especially so when it comes to such aspects as religion, music, art, and beliefs that normally promote communal work through the sharing of items such as homes, natural resources, and wealth. Additionally, their music and literary work is meant to enhance cohesion, as it mainly focuses on building a strong bond among the Africans and beyond (Sizoo, 2010). Perhaps it is important to look at the Mexican culture that uses unique cuisines and architecture to unite those who belong or would like to be associated with the culture. Ordinarily, the Mexican culture emphasizes on romance and love through numerous and unique weddings (Doudna, 2004). While not all cultures promote harmonious stay among the people, it is worthy to note that the Jamaican culture focuses more on uniting its people by preaching peace through the reggae music among other things such as marijuana (Dhingra, 2007). This is important for cohesion and crime deterrence especially in the modern society. Overall, culture plays a very significant role in the identity of various communities and this further enhances cohesion among the members belonging to a particular cultural background (Halverson & Tirmizi,

Politicians and Elections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Politicians and Elections - Essay Example The expectations of the electorate regarding personal conduct and characteristics of politicians, immensely impacts the decisions of voters on the people to choose during the election period (Thurber, 2004). The perceptions held by the electorate significantly affects the decision making process of the electorates. Within political scenarios, various challenges define the success of political campaign, including the presence of a crisis and the ability to handle the crisis amicably. These perceptions commonly occur in three dimensions of personals character, associated individuals and characteristics regarding the citizenship of the person. During the campaign period, the politicians aim at convincing the electorate to change the negative perceptions held, regarding the politicians. The rhetoric method of self defense could be utilized in damage control of an individual’s political character, as well as personal character. Though the method could be identified as containing pa ranoia or arrogance, the utilization of the method by George Hansen enabled him to continually get re-elected into the United States congress. The character of this politician underwent serious scrutiny within the congress, and outside the congress. During the campaigning period, Hansen continually employed the method of delivering rhetorical speeches as a way of seeking to convince the electorate about his questionable character. The issues arising within the political scenario, surrounding Hansen, centered on his personal behavior and professional conduct (Short, 1987). This included felony charges and accusations of providing false information regarding his wealth. While defending his political character during the election period, Hansen immensely utilized rhetoric speech to persuade the electorate otherwise, regarding his tainted political character. Voters appear to consider the character competence of politicians over the proposed policies, and in turn increase the desire for politicians to present themselves as capable, regardless of their perceived public image. The crisis within politics appears to affect the electorate decisions adversely; hence the management of these issues remains fundamental to successful campaigning. Accusations of deceptive dealings between opposing candidates continue to present surmountable crisis within campaign teams. The response offered to the public could be termed as a damage control measure for the candidates. While some candidates might choose to answer such image tainting crisis through the media, others speak directly to the electorate as a way of convincing them. Political analysis cannot define the better method of crisis control; however the candidates choose modalities which they deem fit for their campaign teams. Proper handling of political crisis stands between success and failure for any prospective political candidate in modern politics. The challenges presented by political crisis could adversely affect t he probability of candidates getting elected into prospective seats. In handling the political crisis that questioned his integrity, Hansen delivered speeches to the electorate. Concerning the prevalent issue of age, President Reagan failed to deliver any speech; however, he rhetorically joked about the issue and utterly ended the recurrent speculations regarding his age (Hahn, 1987). The methods utilized in handling political crisis depend heavily

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe The Raven Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Edgar Allan Poe The Raven - Research Paper Example It was possible that Lenore was the deceased woman being referred to in the poem (Cummings , par 9). The poem tells of a bereaved man who is completely devastated by the lost his loved one, Lenore. Suddenly in his moment of sadness, a raven appears who keeps on repeating the word â€Å"nevermore†, as if telling the man that he will never see his beloved again, not even in heaven. As in most works of Poe, â€Å"The Raven† has a very melancholy tone which is emphasized by Poe’s use of words such as â€Å"weary†, â€Å"dreary†, â€Å"bleak†, â€Å"dying†, â€Å"sorrow†, â€Å"darkness†, â€Å"stillness†, â€Å"ebony† and â€Å"grave† (Cummings , par 7). He also uses internal and end rhymes and alliterations to enhance the theme of the poem. â€Å"The Raven† was first published on January 29, 1845 in the New York Evening Mirror (, Inc. , par 1). It is said that the sources of â€Å"The Raven† are Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s â€Å"Lady Geraldine’s 1843 Courtship†, Charles Dickens’ â€Å"Barnaby Rudge† and the two poems by Thomas Holly Chivers, â€Å"To Allegra Florence† and â€Å"Isadore† (, Inc. , par 1). Poe revealed in his â€Å"The Philosophy of Composition† that he wrote about death in â€Å"The Raven† after asking himself what it is among the universal understanding of mankind is the most melancholy (Poe , par 20). Furthermore, he also asked himself what it is that is most universally appreciable and his answer was â€Å"beauty† (Poe , par 13). Having these two topics in mind, he then thought of combining them and writing a poem about the death of a beautiful woman which he considered â€Å"the most poetical to pic in the world† (Poe , par 20). In terms of symbolism, Poe also considered using a parrot in the poem because it was capable of speech. However, he decided to use a raven instead since the theme of the poem is melancholy. A raven is known to be a bird which symbolizes ill omen; thus, Poe decided that it was more

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Politicians and Elections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Politicians and Elections - Essay Example The expectations of the electorate regarding personal conduct and characteristics of politicians, immensely impacts the decisions of voters on the people to choose during the election period (Thurber, 2004). The perceptions held by the electorate significantly affects the decision making process of the electorates. Within political scenarios, various challenges define the success of political campaign, including the presence of a crisis and the ability to handle the crisis amicably. These perceptions commonly occur in three dimensions of personals character, associated individuals and characteristics regarding the citizenship of the person. During the campaign period, the politicians aim at convincing the electorate to change the negative perceptions held, regarding the politicians. The rhetoric method of self defense could be utilized in damage control of an individual’s political character, as well as personal character. Though the method could be identified as containing pa ranoia or arrogance, the utilization of the method by George Hansen enabled him to continually get re-elected into the United States congress. The character of this politician underwent serious scrutiny within the congress, and outside the congress. During the campaigning period, Hansen continually employed the method of delivering rhetorical speeches as a way of seeking to convince the electorate about his questionable character. The issues arising within the political scenario, surrounding Hansen, centered on his personal behavior and professional conduct (Short, 1987). This included felony charges and accusations of providing false information regarding his wealth. While defending his political character during the election period, Hansen immensely utilized rhetoric speech to persuade the electorate otherwise, regarding his tainted political character. Voters appear to consider the character competence of politicians over the proposed policies, and in turn increase the desire for politicians to present themselves as capable, regardless of their perceived public image. The crisis within politics appears to affect the electorate decisions adversely; hence the management of these issues remains fundamental to successful campaigning. Accusations of deceptive dealings between opposing candidates continue to present surmountable crisis within campaign teams. The response offered to the public could be termed as a damage control measure for the candidates. While some candidates might choose to answer such image tainting crisis through the media, others speak directly to the electorate as a way of convincing them. Political analysis cannot define the better method of crisis control; however the candidates choose modalities which they deem fit for their campaign teams. Proper handling of political crisis stands between success and failure for any prospective political candidate in modern politics. The challenges presented by political crisis could adversely affect t he probability of candidates getting elected into prospective seats. In handling the political crisis that questioned his integrity, Hansen delivered speeches to the electorate. Concerning the prevalent issue of age, President Reagan failed to deliver any speech; however, he rhetorically joked about the issue and utterly ended the recurrent speculations regarding his age (Hahn, 1987). The methods utilized in handling political crisis depend heavily

Curleys Wife Essay Example for Free

Curleys Wife Essay What methods does Steinbeck use to present Curley’s wife and the attitudes of other to her? And How Does Steinbeck present attitudes to women in the society in which the novel is set? The novel ‘Of Mice and Men’ is set in a very patriarchal society, a society in which men dominate women and use them for their own needs. Women, who lived within this society, were not seen equal to men. Steinbeck uses many different language techniques to describe Curley’s wife. She plays a complex and misfit character in the novel and is made to sound like a ‘tart’ as mentioned by George himself. Curley uses her for his own needs and controls her. As Curley’s wife walks through the bunk house, ‘the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off’, describing the fact that it goes dark, a sign of evil and danger. A very strong sense of foreboding is given and this continues throughout the text yet, getting stronger. Curley’s wife is kept away from the men. ‘A girl was standing Looking in’. Curley’s wife is standing at the doorway like there’s an invisible barrier, preventing her from entering the men’s dorm. This is because the men don’t want her mixing in with them. They are afraid to talk to her as it would result in losing their jobs. She is ostracised and excluded from the male fraternity. She knows her beauty is her power, and she uses it to flirt with the ranch hands and make her husband jealous. She is utterly alone on the ranch, and her husband has seen to it that no one will talk to her without fearing a beating. For this specific reason, Curley’s wife uses ‘I’m lookin’ for Curley’ as a pick up line to get through to the other men even if it means getting a hello. She mentions this twice throughout the text. Once when she’s talking to George and another when she’s talking to Slim however, the men still keep their distance in fear of Curley. Because of her beauty, ‘Lennie’s eyes move down over her body’. Lennie finds her attractive and wants to touch her like he did to the girl in the red dress. As mentioned in the beginning of the novel, the ‘girl in the red dress’ was trouble for George and Lennie. This is creates an atmosphere of foreboding. Curley and his wife’s relationship isn’t very tight so for this reason, Curley’s wife tries to seek companionship but goes about it the wrong by openly flirting and dressing to impress. She had full rouged lips and wide spaced eyes. Heavily made up’. She covers her face in make-up and puts on an innocent look however it creates the thought she’s seducing in the readers head. As well as this, she uses a flirtatious but coy voice,’ her voice has a nasal, brittle quality’. Brittle meaning fragile, proves that she talk the way she does for friendly attention. Not just to gain sexual attention. As I have previously mentioned, Curley’s wife has a very complex character in which she is, at some points, made to sound naive and at some points very seducing. To back up my point, during mid text, Curley’s wife ‘puts her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward’. At this point, Curley’s wife starts to seduce. She does this because, her pick up line didn’t gain much attention from George as he simply replied, ‘he was in here a minute ago, but he went’. Curley’s wife does so much for someone to talk to her but doesn’t go about it the right way. On the other hand, Curley’s wife has a lot of importance in the novel. At the beginning of the text, Steinbeck uses the colour ‘red’ many times. In this particular piece of text, ‘red’ isn’t just an ordinary colour but has much more depth to. It’s repeated in the first paragraph thrice. ‘Her finger nails were red†¦and red mules†¦red ostrich feathers’. ‘Red’ is mainly associated with Curley’s wife who is symbolic to Eve- the female character who, in the biblical story ( the garden of Even) bring sin and death to the society. However, ‘red’ also represents the anger of a bull, which, relating back to the novel, attracts Lennie similar to ‘the girl in the red dress’. It also signifies love, impurity and desire, the type of attention Curley’s wife is looking for. Yet, also, ‘red’ in a traffic light, stop and look. As I previously mentioned, the novel was set in a patriarchal society. The women had no dignity and no rights to speak up for themselves or make their own decisions. Similarly, Curley’s wife is treated with a very low level of respect and is isolated from the male society. She has no possession of her own name and is classified as a ‘tart’. The men don’t try to talk to her because of the fear of Curley and the consequences they would face after. Finally, Curley’s wife gets worried when she finds out that Curley went back to their house. She was suddenly apprehensive†¦ and she scurried away’. Curley likes to fight with big men, so if he finds out that his wife was in the bunk house with the big man, he’ll be sure to pick out a fight once he finds her. To conclude my essay, Curley’s wife is treated like a no ‘one and has no importance in the eyes of the men . She is treated similar to Candy and Crooks like she’s good for nothing and only good to be used as a toy. Steinbeck indirectly mentioned the rights of women and discrimination in this novel through the way Curley treats his wife and the way the men are scared to talk to her.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Epidural

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Epidural Is epidural the best of all words – no pain but full consciousness? (Yerby, 2000). Discuss During pregnancy many women give some thought on what they will do to cope with labour pain. Some women aim to have the most natural type of birth, with the least possible pharmacological interventions. Others request a pain free labour, such as opting for an epidural anaesthesia as a type of pain relief. But do women actually know about the risks epidural anaesthesia can create for them and their baby? Or do they opt for it just because they heard other mothers say that it was the best? Epidural anaesthesia is a type of regional anaesthesia which is rapidly increasing in its popularity. Epidural works by blocking nerve conductions from the lower spinal segments, resulting in a decreased sensation in the lower half of the body, while at the same time the mother is still awake and conscious (Fraser Cooper, 2009). The drug is administered in the lower back, into the epidural space, specifically in the lumbar region between lumbar 1 and 4. This is achieved by cautiously inserting a Tuohy needle through the lumbar intervertebral space. Once the epidural space is reached, a catheter is threaded through the needle, which will facilitate the administration of the drug either by bolus top ups or continuous infusion. Once epidural is injected, it will start to exhibit its effect within approximately 20 minutes (Johnson Taylor, 2011). Indications for using epidural anaesthesia There is no absolute indication for opting for epidural anaesthesia, however clinical instances may include: Maternal request: mothers now acknowledge the fact that they can give birth with the least possible amount of pain. Today the majority of parents already have a plan in mind of what they wish and request for their birth experience. Having ongoing accessibility to internet encourages parents to search for types of pain relief, allowing them to make their own choices of what they think is best for them. Upon searching and from what they hear from other mothers, they are actually believing that epidural is one of the best choices of pain relief medication (Johnson Taylor, 2011). Pain relief: prolonged labour can be very tiring and stressful for the mother. Having an epidural can help in reducing the continuous stress of contractions and can possibly help the mother to relax, making her able to conserve energy for later use during the active phase of the second stage of labour (Johnson Taylor, 2011). Hypotension: epidural has the potential to lower down the blood pressure. This can be used as an advantage for women who suffer from high blood pressure. Thus this anaesthesia can possibly stabilise the blood pressure during labour, aiming to reduce complications (Johnson Taylor, 2011). Preterm labour: epidural aims to decrease the sensation of powerful contractions and so can be opted for to possibly lower the desire to push during a preterm labour. Use of such anaesthesia depends on the specific condition of the mother and the baby (Johnson Taylor, 2011). Side effects of epidural anaesthesia on the mother Opting for an epidural can deliver a good experience amongst many women. Mothers are able to rest and relax from the painful contractions while at the same time they are awake and conscious. However, opting for this anaesthesia is very likely to be the beginning of a cascade of interventions. This means that birth can be transformed into a very medicalised experience, ending up with the mother feeling that she has lost control over her own birth experience. In fact, the World Health Organization states that, â€Å"epidural analgesia is one of the most striking examples of the medicalisation of normal birth, transforming a physiological event into a medical procedure.† Generally, decision of opting for such a pain relief is made without the mothers awareness of the possible complications it can create. Hypotension: Studies show that epidural can be the cause of a sudden drop in blood pressure. Although the drug is injected around the spinal cord, there can be a degree of the anaesthesia that passes into the maternal blood stream, with the consequence of lowering the blood pressure (Healthline Editorial Team, 2012). This in turn would require, prompt venous access in order to administer fluids to quickly correct the blood pressure. Low blood pressure will result in less oxygen reaching the baby, which upon prolonged exposure can result in hypoxia of the baby. In much more severe cases, medications and oxygen may also be required in order to maintain a stable condition (Mehl-Madrona Mehl-Madrona). Delayed labour: Studies have shown that epidural anaesthesia, can be the cause of slowing down labour process. This is mainly due to the interaction of the drug with the birthing hormones. Epidural anaesthesia tends to decrease the production of oxytocin (Rahm, Hallgren, Hogberg, Hurtig Odlind, 2002). Oxytocin is one of the main hormones of labour, that is episodically released from the posterior Pituitary gland in order to stimulate the uterine myometruim to contract and retract, facilitating the foetal ejection reflex of birth (Fraser Cooper, 2009). Moreover, epidural also lowers the production of prostaglandin. This uterotonic hormone is essential for cervical ripening, effacement and dilation during labour (Kresser, 2011). As a result to this reduction of birthing hormones, the process of labour is hindered and thus upon medical decision, synthetic oxytocin known as Syntocinon is given in attempt to accelerate labour process, aiming to strengthen and increase the frequency of contractions (Fraser Cooper, 2009). Prior to the administration of Syntocinon, amniotomy is to be performed, unless membranes were previously ruptured. Having Syntocinon infusion, requires continuous electronic foetal monitoring in order to accurately observe the foetal heart and uterine activity. This in turn restricts mobility. The rate of Syntocinon infusion should be carefully observed in order to exclude uterine hyperstimulation. This is when having four or more contractions in a ten minute period, which in turn causes poor placental perfusion ending up with the foetus getting compromised, as blood flow between the mother and the foetus tends to decrease during contractions (Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, 2012). In addition, if uterine hyperstimulation is ignored, it can ultimately cause uterine rupture or placental abruption. It is the role of the midwife to continuously monitor the state of the mother. Palpation of the fundus is one of the skills used to determine the strength, frequency and length of contractions, altogether with electronic foetal monitoring (Buckley, 2005). Moreover, Syntocinon can create a feeling of lack of breath, confusion, fast and irregular heartbeats, severe headaches and chest pains. In-coordination of Pelvic Floor Muscles: Epidural also negatively affects the strength and coordination of the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles guide the foetal head to enter the pelvis in the best position for the delivery of the baby. Lack of such coordination results in foetal malposition (Mander, 2011). Changing labour positions aids in the rotation of the foetal head, however if malposition persists, instrumental delivery is next in choice. The decision to proceed with an instrumental delivery would increase the likelihood of performing an episiotomy, in order to enlarge the pelvic outlet to provide the necessary room for the clinicians hands to deliver the baby (Fraser Cooper, 2009). Episiotomy on itself can be very detrimental to the mother. Not only can it be a bleeding point, but also a source of pain and discomfort especially during urination and rest. Moreover, lack of hygiene further increases the risk of acquiring an infection (Enkin ,Keirse, Neilson, et al., 2000). Having an episiotomy, may also instigate a feeling of uncertainty and fear of when to resume to sexual life, which ultimately may create unnecessary conflict between partners. It is the midwifes role to give the mother advice on perineal care in order to reduce such negative incidences. Urination Difficulties: Epidural anaesthesia may cause numbness of the bladder, this is exhibited as decreased sensation to urinate. Inability to pass urine during birth can possibly impede the rotation of the foetal head with the consequence of inadequate foetal descent (Baston Hall, 2009). During birth, the midwife is to encourage the mother to urinate frequently. If she is unable to do so, the midwife should look for other signs that may indicate a full bladder. Abdominal palpation is one of the skills that can be carried out to indicate such a measure. In urinary retention, the mother may require catheterisation. A urinary catheter is inserted through the mothers urinary orifice. This is temporarily situated in the bladder, and allows the mothers urine to drain freely (Johnson Taylor, 2011). The procedure of catheterisation itself may make the mother feel uncomfortable. Moreover, the catheter pipe provides the perfect pathway for the entry of bacteria possibly ending up with a urinary tract infection, especially if there is a poor level of hygiene (Fraser Cooper, 2009). Pyrexia: If epidural anaesthesia happens to be in place for more than 5 hours, there is an increased tendency to a rise in maternal temperature, resulting in the foetus getting compromised which is generally manifested as tachycardia. An increased maternal temperature altogether with a raised foetal heart rate could be an indication of a possible infection such as chorioamnionitis. This would require prompt action, so as to reduce the risk of adverse morbidity to the foetus. Usually an emergency caesarean section is the option (Mander, 2011). Having to follow such a procedure may create a lot of anxiety and fear amongst the parents, as suddenly they are receiving an unexpected news which leaves them confused on the health of their baby. Caesarean section is one major operation, which on its own carries a lot of risks. In fact there is a greater tendency of bleeding. Also, the mother has to cope with a lot of after pains following the procedure. Furthermore, following delivery the baby is most probably admitted to the neonatal intensive unit for investigations regarding the possibility of infection. This early separation surely creates a lot of fear and uncertainty in the newly parents. Limited Mobility: Since epidural numbs the body from the waist down, it creates a lot of restrictions in mobility. Nevertheless, it is very likely that continuous foetal monitoring is required to monitor the baby and uterine activity. This restricted mobility does not help in the physiology of normal labour (Baston Hall, 2009). Other side effects of epidural anaesthesia may include: pruritus, generalised itching of the skin, nausea, vomiting, shivering, headache, permanent nerve damage, heart and breathing difficulties. Side effects of epidural anaesthesia on the baby As discussed earlier, epidural can be the cause a variety of side effects on the labouring women, nonetheless, the baby is also very likely to be negatively effected. When epidural is injected, there may be a degree of the drug that enters the maternal blood stream. Blood eventually passes through the placenta, with the consequence of drug components ending up into the foetal circulation. Studies show that the degree of drugs in the foetus can reach levels that are equal to or even higher than that in the maternal blood stream. In addition, the elimination process of a newborn is still quite immature, with the consequence of taking longer for the drug to be eliminated from the body. Foetal distress: this is the commonest side effect of epidural. As discussed earlier, epidural tends to lower down the maternal blood pressure with the consequence of decreasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients that reach the foetus. This phenomena is better known as foetal distress. This is commonly manifested as bradycardia as well as abnormal variations in the foetal heart rhythm (Lohse, 2015). This distress puts the baby and the mother at greater risk of intervention, which may include opting for instrumental or operative delivery. Such choice depends on the explicit condition of the mother and baby. Furthermore, the baby is also prone to experience difficulties after birth, which may include: Breastfeeding difficulties: Epidural drug components are likely to interfere with the release of oxytocin. This hormone plays an important role in the let down reflex of breastfeeding; when the baby sucks, oxytocin is released which positively feedbacks to release even more oxytocin which in turn altogether with the aid of other hormones, milk is released (Amis Green 2008). Epidural anaesthesia also has the tendency to effect the babys neuro-behavior. The newborn may show signs of drowsiness, difficulty in latching and sucking which will make breastfeeding far much more difficult to establish (Amis Green 2008). This will require more intensive care and time to acquire efficient breastfeeding, which may put the mother under great stress and anxiety. Poor condition: as stated earlier, epidural anaesthesia may cause maternal fever during labour. This in turn affects the babys condition in having poor muscle tone, may require resuscitation immediately after birth, and to a greater extent may experience seizures. This all sums up to a low apgar score at birth (Buckley, 2010). Having said that, the baby may be admitted to the neonatal intensive care for more intensive observation in order to stabilise and maintain his/her condition. This early separation from the parents surely interferes with bonding. It may even create a sense of anxiety and stress in the parents; being greatly concerned on the heath of their child. It is the role of the midwife to inform the parents on the daily condition of their baby and as much as possible find measures and ways to make them feel reassured and closer to their child (Buckley, 2010). Other side effects seen in infants are: rapid breathing and low blood sugar levels. As we midwives are knowledgable of all the risks this pharmacological pain relief brings with it, it is our role that during labour we suggest other methods of pain relief, possibly non pharmacological ones. If the mother happens to request for pharmacological ones, we should make her aware of all the benefits and risks, and in this way we enable the mothers make an informed choice. Reference List Amis, D., Green, J. (2008). Prepared childbirth the family way (Revised ed.). Family Way Publications Inc. Baston, H., Hall, J. (2009). Midwifery essentials: Labour: Volume 3 (1sted.). Churchill Livingstone. Buckley, S. J. (2005). Epidurals: Risks and concerns for mother and baby. Buckley, S. J. (2010). The hidden risk of epidurals. Mothering the Home for Natural Family Living. Enkin,M., Keirse, M., Neilson, J., Crowther, C., Duley, L.,Hodnett, E., Hofmeyr, J. (2000). A guide to effective care in pregnancy and childbirth (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Fraser, D.M., Cooper, M.A. (2009). Myles textbook for midwives (15th ed.). London:Churcill Livingstone. Healthline Editorial Team. (15 March 2012). Risks of epidurals during delivery. Johnson, R., Taylor, W. (2011). Skills for midwifery practice (3rd ed.) London:Churcill Livingstone. Kresser, C. (2011). Natural childbirth IV: The hormones of birth. Lets Take Back Your Health — Starting Now. Lohse, M. (2015). Epidural side effects for a baby. Livingstrong.Com. Mander, R. (2011). Pain in childbearing and its control (2nd ed.) London:Wiley Blackwell. Mehl-Madrona, L. Mehl-Madrona, M. (2008). Medical risks of epidural anaesthesia during childbirth. Rahm, V., Hallgren, A., Hogberg, H., Hurtig, I., Odlind, V. (2002). Plasma oxytocin levels in women during labor with or without epidural analgesia: A prospective study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 81. Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust. (2012). Use of oxytocin. Clinical Guideline for the use of Oxytocin (Syntocinon) in the First and Second Stage of Labour, Danica Chetcuti

Sunday, October 13, 2019

MERLIN :: Essays Papers

MERLIN There is bitter controversy among scholars and theologians alike as to whether of not Merlin was a real historical figure or a product of literary imagination. Much of the earlier poetry attributed to him in Welsh manuscripts, it seems, comes from authentic prophetic verse that Merlin himself spoke. Merlin was first seen in Geoffrey of Monmouthà ­s History of the Kings of Britain written c. 1136. Many people do not accept Geoffreyà ­s words as truth. Many say that Geoffrey wrote Merlinà ­s legendary Prophecy referring to twelfth-century politics of King Henry IIà ­ court. Reality or legend, Merlin is still one of the most prominent and popular characters of Arthurian literature. Merlinà ­s close relationship with King Arthur has led him to appear in a large majority of Arthurà ­s stories. There is also dispute as to whether there was one Merlin or two- in the historical context. The archives of Wales claim that, in fact, there were two Merlins. Some say that Merlinà ­s story comes from a combination of Welsh traditions. This combination involves the great bard and prophet Myrddin and Nenniusà ­ story of Ambrious (one with a non-human father who prophesized the British defeat of the Saxons). It is said that the older of the two was King Arthurà ­s Merlin. He was born probably around 450 and died in 536. The longevity of his life span leads more to believe that there were two Merlins. The first of the two was named Merlin, and was a warrior in Arthurà ­s court. The other, Myrddin, is said to have survived the battle of Arthuret, which led him to insanity. Both candidates were authors. Now Merlin and Myrddin have merged into one person. Scholars who do believe that he existed say that Merlin was responsible for the world-famous Prophecy. In Geoffrey of Monmouthà ­s book, Merlin assists Uther Pendragon and in responsible for transporting the stones of Stonehenge from Ireland, a major symbol of Britainà ­s history. The prophecies of Merlin were incorporated into Geoffreyà ­s seventh book. Merlin became very popular in the Middle Ages. Some say that he prophesized the birth of Arthur. The myth of Merlin says that he was Arthurà ­s adviser, prophet, and magician. Merlin, the man, is an enigma. His name is known as the wiser, older man who counseled Arthur. Some say that Merlin arranged for Arthur to be born to defend Britain from invasion. Merlin was counselor to four British kings: Vortigern, Ambrosius, Uther, and Arthur.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Personal Narrative: Cheerleading :: essays research papers

Cheerleading A jolt of energy rushed through my body and hit my heart when they call me up to get the team trophy. Not fourth, third, or second, but first place for the third year in a row. Being a captain of a team is an amazing experience. You get to see your team physically, mentally, and emotionally prepare for competition. It's a lot of hard work, but if you try your hardest, make all the practices and have a passion for cheerleading its worth it. Every year we take a few weeks to build a competition routine, the out come is incredible, but the celebration is the best part. Preparing for competition is easier said than done, you need a passion to complete the task. Competition is extremely stressful, but amazing at the same time. It?s a process of mixed emotions, not knowing if it?s importance will have a meaning in the end. Having practice six times a week allows us to work on our jumps, cheers, dances, tumbling, and the most difficult, stunting. Just the counts and lifting people in the air is traumatic enough, but repeating it over and over again it gets strenuous. Dancing is relaxing when you have counts to them, but when you have to learn the dance to the music people get confused and don?t know when to leave to the next formation. Team members start getting fed up with each other at the closing stages of practice, it?s just a natural human reaction after practicing with the same fifteen to twenty girls for three hours. At last we had brought all our practicing skills into work at the final stages. After working hard for three solid months it all paid off, the competing mat was beneath our feet. It was as if I could almost hear the girl?s hearts thumping before we walked onto the mat. I couldn?t stop smiling, I had the biggest grin on my face as if I were the cat who just ate the canary. Only when I thought that was enough, my facial expressions were amazing, all the nights I spent in front of the mirror or watching my self through the reflection of the glass door in my kitchen. It?s hard to go first because watching all the other teams compete makes you think, how did I do?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Betrayal and Revenge in Medea Essay

In his quest for the Golden Fleece, Jason elicits Medea, a women known for her supernatural powers. Shortly after, they marry. Yet, after all Medea does for Jason-including killing her own brother-he decides to leave her and marry the Corinthian Princess to increase his own wealth and status. Thus, to avenge her husband for his betrayal, Medea kills the princess and the children she herself had with Jason, thus ensuring his complete downfall. Upon hearing of the sacrifice of the children and the murder of his bride-to-be, Jason expresses the extent of his devastation and hatred towards Medea. In this passage from Euripides’s Medea, Euripides reveals both Medea’s cruelty and ruthlessness and the effect of her revenge on Jason-his complete destruction. In addition, Jason’s reference to Medea’s earlier transgressions reveals that he doesn’t fully grasp what Medea gave up for him. Although Medea’s actions will never be justified, Jason’s reaction throughout the play, and specifically in this passage, allows the reader to feel some small measure of sympathy towards Medea. Throughout the play, Jason characterizes Medea as cruel and merciless. This is ironic because these are the same traits that made life and success possible for Jason when he first met Medea. Yet, throughout the passage, Jason characterizes Medea as less than human. For example, he refers to her as a â€Å"hateful thing† and â€Å"an evil thing†(43). He even goes as far to call her â€Å"a monster not a woman, having the nature wilder than that of the Scylla in the Tuscan sea†(43). By referring to Medea as the Scylla-a vicious monster in the Odyssey -Jason reveals the extent to which he sees Medea as cruel and even inhuman. Jason also reveals the degree of Medea’s cruelty by describing her as â€Å"loathed by the gods† and â€Å"all of mankind†(43). In addition to revealing Medea’s cruelty, these phrases suggest that Medea’s actions are horrible enough to become infamous among all humankind. Jason also comments that â€Å"there is no Greek woman who would have dared such deeds†(43). Such characterization sets Medea apart and magnifies the cruelty of her actions. However, Jason’s comment also shows how he views women in Greek society as frail and gentle. Otherwise, why wouldn’t he have said â€Å"there is no Greek that would have dared such deeds?† Cleary, Euripides uses Jason to reveal Medea’s callousness in her quest for revenge. In the passage, Euripides also reveals Jason’s detachment and inability to grasp the significance of what Medea gave up for him. For example, Jason comments â€Å"you who have had the heart to raise a sword against your children, you, their mother, and left me childless-you have done this, and do you still look at the sun and at the earth, after these most fearful doings†(43). In these lines, Euripides points out Jason’s detachment and disgust. Jason continually repeats the word â€Å"you,† suggesting that he believes that everything was Medea’s fault, that her actions were unprovoked. As seen in the line â€Å"you have done this,† Jason lays all blame on Medea for the murder of his children and his prospective bride. Clearly, Jason doesn’t fully grasp what Medea gave up for him. Although there are no justifications for her actions, Jason is partly to blame for instigating the conflict. Furthermore, Jason describes Medea as â€Å"a traitress to [her] father and [her] native land† and describes how she â€Å"slew† her own brother. These lines reveal Jason’s disconnect. When she killed her brother, Medea saw her actions as necessary to help Jason, her true love. Thus, she sacrificed the acceptance and love of family for the love and acceptance she received from Jason. Not only does Jason’s inability to recognize Medea’s sacrifices in this passage reveal his disconnect, but it also reveals his selfishness. Regardless of whether Jason is deserving of Medea’s revenge, he is left completely devastated and without hope for the future. For him, there is little to live for. In fact, he tells Medea â€Å"for me remains to cry aloud upon my fate, who will get no pleasure from my newly wedded love. And the boys whom I begot and brought up, never shall I speak to them alive†(44). Finally, he comments â€Å"oh, my life is over.† Thus, Medea fulfills her ultimate goal-ruthlessly punishing Jason for the pain he inflicted upon her.